1-LOI: Letter of Intention (由买方出具的购货意向书)

2-ICPO: Irrevocable Corporate Purchase Order (不可撤消的购买订单)

3-BCL: Bank Capacity Letter(由买方出具的银行资金证明)或写成"Bank Conform Letter", 一个意思.

4-FCO: Full Corporate Offer(卖方出具的负责的意向性合同),責任供貨函,此函由廠方向買方提供,內容包括數量、批量、質檢單、價格、結算方式、運輸方式等等。

非正式合同,一般要在合同中注明:" This is not to be circulated and is only for the purpose of this transaction only"

5-POF: Proof of Funds(由买方出具的资金证明),说明他开出的信用证已有资金保证.BCL只能说明公司的资信.

6-POP: Proof of Product(产品证明),由律师出具,由第三者保存附带条件委付盖印的契约,送达买方银行.

7-PB: Performance Bond (履约保证金), LOI的关键条款,只有付了PB, 买方开出的信用证才有效. 信用证一般为不可撤消的保兑的即期信用证.


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